If you are someone that struggles with your own mind and thought processes, you need journaling! Not just traditional journaling, but actually doing mindful journaling in order to improve your mindset. Here are some ways you can get started.

Change Your Daily Habits

Journaling can really help a lot with changing your daily habits. This is the perfect time to re-evaluate how you live your life from day-to-day and make a conscious decision to be healthier and more stress-free. Mindfulness and your mindset go hand-in-hand, but it isn’t always to make changes right away.

The first thing you should do is think about daily lifestyle changes to make for better health and wellness. Once you decide, write them down in your journal. You can then use the journal to make notes each day as you keep up with these habits you are trying to change.

Express Yourself Emotionally

Your mindset can also change if you have a good way to express yourself emotionally. You don’t always want to talk to someone you know, for fear of them judging you or because it makes you feel vulnerable. And not everyone has immediate access to a therapist or counsellor.

If this sounds like you, writing in a journal is perfect for you. Since it is personal and private, you don’t have to worry about others reading what you write. Write down all your thoughts, feelings, emotions, worries, and fears to dispel them from your mind so that you can focus on more positive things.

Read More and Journal About it

Reading can be a very therapeutic experience, as can journaling – why not combine them? Make a list of books you want to read, and write them down in your journal.

Start picking up these books one by one, and as you read each one, write a little summary of how you liked it or how the book made you feel, using your journal for this. You can keep doing this for every book, while using the journal to help you work through what you thought about the books.

Show Your Gratitude in the Journal

Expressing gratitude is another really important part of having a more positive mindset. It can be easy to only think about the negative aspects of your life, but if you pay attention, there are positive things as well.

Every day, write down what you are grateful for. It can be anything simple, mundane, or extravagant. There are no rules for what you are grateful for. Think of at least one good thing that happened or one blessing, and write it down.

These are just a few simple ways to get started with journaling, but I guarantee it will improve your mindset!

What are you favourite journaling methods for mindset?